I will not forget you, auspicious 2008
When i first embrace ur presence, i told myself, i'm gonna be someone better, someone new. With ur help, i managed to change myself. With ur presence, my life transformed. Miracles happened, love came, efforts were repaid.
Academics, i tot would end in regrets. Instead, i managed to get the best out of it, i din believe myself. For the 1st time and only once, and that was the last semester, i got dean's list. I never had the time for academics, as my time was given to everyone else.
An accident happened, i could have lost my life..thanks to Lord Buddha, i was saved by His blessings. Miracle happened, i escaped unscratched. But moments before, it could have been the last thing i remembered in life...the spinning of the car, the roll and impact, window shattered and flashes of memories in the past. I began to appreciate things even more...my family, my friends, my companion...everything around me, my life.
Then came love, u gave me a new hope as i was giving up...u brought someone special to my life, someone who had taken away my heart. She was just perfect, and everything i needed. She gave me happiness in life, appreciation and spirit, motivation and determination. She became a companion where i finally can share my ups and downs with.
Friends u became, and friends u brought. As i was leaving campus, u showed me that i do have friends around. People who appreciated my presence, my help and my friendship. However, it was slightly too late as everyone are heading their own paths. But the moments spend with them, are unforgettable.
Happiness u brought to my family too, i get to be involved in a wedding i'll never forget. My only brother's wedding...in a truly malaysian manner. A mixed culture wedding, though its not new, but its an everlasting memory. Happiness filled the air of my family.
But life is fair, u never let anyone go away with good things in life...u let me taste near death, u let me suffer loss, u let me embrace embarrasement. U brought down my ego, u put my heads low, and u let me suffer loneliness. I understand...bcoz u are just being fair. But i wonder, how fair it would be, when ur younger sister takes over from u soon. Now u r leaving me...soon, very soon. I hope ur sister would treat me just as nice, just like u, 2008. Ur older sister, 2007 treated me badly, but i understand...that she wanted me to change. Then u came, and i'd changed. What more can i ask from u? I just hope 2009 will teach me more, but not harshly. i know...it will be a tough ride. Thanks for all that u've given me. I appreciate it, i treasure it. I'll never forget u, 2008. Goodbye and viva forever...