
Showing posts from January, 2009

BM vs Hudud

Lately, GAPENA are making a big fuss over the use of English in Science and Maths. They claim that our National Language will be wiped out. They even claim they would carry out a coffin demonstration to mark the death of national language. Personally, this is nonsense. The use of English in Science and Maths did help to enhance the knowledge in these fields. I was the guinea pig of the transition of BM to Eng. I find it was very useful. I was quickly adapted although at that time, my major language was BM. I speak fluent BM than English. But i still find that using English in Science and Maths useful.

However, they should carry out the demo...because BM is almost dead. Why? because they have BMized English. Here are a few words that have been BMized:- Diskusi, ensiklopedia, biodiversiti, kabinet, objektif, lokasi, generasi. There are more words that they have to BMized, especially scientific terms. There are also words that can not be translated. Example: sessile, sedimentation, degenerated, backpacking, to name a few. I have read some scientific books, translated to BM, but doesn't really carry the same meaning in English. Other than that, explanation in BM would be longer. Example: Each = masing-masing, depth = kedalaman and so on. Besides that, some of the speaking culture will kill the language. Usage of 'you' and 'I' in BM. Example: 'I' suka 'you' punya 'style' lah (I like your style).

The point is, usage of English in Science and Maths will not kill the language. Instead its the habit and culture of speaking the 'wrong' national language. BM is a very easy language to learn, compared to English. Thus, GAPENA should focus on tackling other factors. English is important in science, especially in publishing scientific research. English have been long established as international language making all the research papers needed to be published in English. Even Japanese publish their papers in English. And Japanese are very particular in their national language. Besides that, a lot of references are in English, and DBP are very slow in translating, it will cause a lot of major problems. Japanese are very good in translating. If there's a new book available, they can translate them to Japanese within days. But in Malaysia, it will take weeks and months to do so. So how are we gonna challenge and keep up the pace in scientific world?

Then came Hudud law. A lot of view have been expressed. Non muslims are worried of the use of Hudud on them. But that's not the point. I would view this from human rights perspective. Hudud law would use different punishment on different crimes. Example, to amputate one's arm for stealing. God gave us perfect limbs. It is our right to have them. The common law punishes with jailing. Still allow us to have our limbs. But hudud will take away that. Which means, taking away a chance for a human to change. Every human have the right to keep their limbs regardless what they do with it. If the objective is to stop crime, then there are other ways. Crime begins when a society have very big economical gap. So to stop crime, reduce the gap! Hudud will not stop crime.

Besides, wouldn't it be a double standard, when Hudud is only applied to only muslim? At the same time, Hudud can't be used on non-muslim. PAS are fighting for this. This is contradicting. PAS are fighting to stop double standards, but suggesting to implement something that will create double standard. In a rape case for example. If a non muslim commit a rape crime, they will be jailed. But if muslim commit the same crime, they will be stone to death. So, is it a fair and just law then?

Dilema - siapa aku?

Aku muncul di dunia ini, seorang cina. Itu takdir, kita tak dapat lawan. Namun ku bangga. Bukan kerana ku cina, tapi ku anak Malaysia. Melayu, Cina, India, Asli...tetap manusia. Darahku merah seperti yang lain. Tapi kerana aku cina, aku terpaksa akur. Aku tak boleh cabar ketuanan Melayu, kerana itu hak mereka. Adil ke? Mengapa aku tak boleh bersaing secara adil? Pemimpin kata, Ketuanan Melayu merujuk kepada Raja-raja Melayu. Aku terima. Tapi, pentingkah untuk membezakan kaum? Adakah Cina lebih hebat? Tidak, kerana aku tetap hamba Tuhan. Makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang tidak seberapa. Mengapa mesti aku kenal apa itu kaum? Betapa indahnya dunia ini jika aku dilahirkan tanpa kaum. Kebolehan yang ku ada, ku pelajari daripada guru-guru Melayu, Cina, India. Bukannya kerana aku ini Cina. Jadi, mengapa mesti ada ketuanan Melayu? kenapa bukan ketuanan individu.

Aku dibesarkan di kawasan Melayu. Abgku Muslim. Ku suka makanan India. Tapi aku tidak dilahirkan di China. Aku lebih fasih Bahasa Melayu daripada Bahasa Cina. Mataku tak sepet seperti orang cina tulen. Rambutku sedikit kerinting seperti orang Melayu. Hidung ku mancung seperti India. Cuma kulitku cerah, itupun tak secerah Cina tulen. Jadi, aku ini apa? Cina bukan, Melayu bukan, India pun bukan. Siapa aku? Ku dalam dilemma.

Aku mengerti, kalau tak pentingkan kaum, budaya ibunda akan hilang. Asimilasi berlaku, seperti di Indonesia. Tapi itu bukan seruanku. Aku cuma menyeru, supaya jangan pandang aku sebagai cina. Tapi sebagai anak Malaysia yang sama sepertimu. Berapa ramai yang berani? Ceritaku ini pun mungkin berisiko akan ditahan bawah ISA. Bila ku menghentam Cina kerana terlalu pentingkan kaum, aku dipandang hina kaumku sendiri. Bila ku hentam kaum lain, ku dituduh menghasut. Jadi, apa yang ku boleh buat? Ku dalam dilemma.

Kau Melayu, dia India, aku Cina. Itu pentingkah? Hanya kerana warna kulitku berbeza. Apa keuntungan yang akan kita dapat kalau terlalu pentingkan kaum? Atau sebenarnya, masing-masing pentingkan diri? Yang Melayu takut hilang hak istimewa, kerana takut hilang kesenangan yang diberi kerajaan. Yang Cina takut ditindas, kerana takut tak dapat menjadi lebih kaya. Yang India takut ditindas, kerana bilangan mereka kurang. Yang bumiputra lain, lagi kesian. Adakah ini semata-mata untuk kepentingan diri? Ku dalam dilemma.

Adakah ini Malaysia yang kita inginkan? Kau Melayu, dia India, aku Cina. Itukah Malaysia? Dulu ku bermain dengan Melayu dan India. Tak pernah aku fikir mereka berbeza. Boleh berkongsi makan, minum, peluh. Dulu, sama-sama membuli, sama-sama dibuli. Kini, saling membuli. Itukah Malaysia? Itukah Malaysia yang kita inginkan? Ku dalam dilemma. Mengapa hidup dalam keadaan risau kaum sendiri ditindas? Mengapa tidak hidup dalam keadaan gembira saling membantu sesama kaum? Kau tentukanlah...