Ubah Gaya Hidup!
Water - I was away on field trip in Pantai Kelanang and stayed at Golden Hope Research Academy's Visitors' lodge for 3 nites. There were two more ppl, practical students who have been staying there for sumtime dy (i just go tumpang there only). When i got there, i was surprised to hear heavy water leak in one of the bathrooms. So my senior (who came along with me) asked what happened to that bathroom. One of them who stayed there for almost 2 months, simply just ans: Tak tau, saya tak pernah tengok pun. Saya pun tak report kebocoran. To my surprise, he answered just like that. From my senior and my observation in that bathroom, it has been leaking for quite sumtime and even sum fungus which i suspect was Stachybotryus (google it or look for sick building syndrome for more info) that will cause serious illness. Infact it was coz of the heavy fungus smell in that bathroom. Other incidents are usually seen in my own residential college, where usually i was the one to report and get it fixed (sad). Sumtimes in shopping complexes which i've seen in MV, where the tap water will be flowing all the time bcoz of the eroded rubber. Isn't it like pouring money down the drain? Hmm...r v really wasting water? Isn't it time for all of us to change?
Food - Oh, this happens everyday, everywhr. Try searching in the bins, i'm sure u'll find leftover food. I'm sure everyone agrees. I thank my parents for teaching my siblings and i not to waste any food. Since young, we all were forced to finish our meals even if we were really full. My dad used to say, "who told you to take so much? If u can't finish it, then dun take too much". I really thank them for this lesson. Until today, my siblings and i will finish every single bit of leftovers, even a small grain of rice. But how malaysians do generally? I can just look out on the canteen by my lab window, and i see plates of extra rice. Another very clear example...open house! Free food! Everyone rush to get food, fill the plates like hills, sum even looked like Mount K. In the end, all ended up not just in the stomach but black plastic bags! I'm sure u have to agree with me on this.
Electricity - Oh this is even worse. Some of us can't stand the heat outside and usually turn on the air cond to the coolest. I understand it's hot and humid in msia but v can save it by using it necessarily. Not all the time v have to use at coldest temp bcoz this will use up more electricity. Not only that, some ppl leave the lights on although it's bright enough. Or even leave the fans turned on when there's no one in the room. I admit i did that in college but now i realized how wasteful i was. And how many of us malaysian are aware with "Earth Hour"? I did my part, by turning off the all electricity in my room (infact, i went for a walk so that i'm not boring in the room) and my floor (but of course, sum idiots turned it on again) for at least one hour. But how many did?
Energy - Well, sumthing similar to electricity, but i think i would refer this to petrols. I was chatting with a friend and she brought up an interesting point. She said that we Malaysian should try not to depend too much on petrol. In the past, people dun hav to worry bout food because almost everyone knows how to get food from natural resources. But now, without petrol, u cant get food. Besides, global warming only happened after introduction of petroleum. Nowadays, petrol has become more important than anything else. Ppl have been complaining...but try this, ask any of ur friends who studied economics, n see whether if they tell u the price hike is needed or not. Try it, dun just guess. Even another friend of mine, told me that the subsidies given by the gov has been like giving opium, everyone gets addicted to it.
Time - Well, what do Malaysians do in their free time? Government servants (not all, ok...just sum) sitting in the office, shaking their legs doing nothing. One ad in TV regarding false emergency calls..there was this guy had nothing to do in office, so he called up 999 and made a false fire report to entertain him. This was a good ad. Well, we should start thinking on whether should v change our lifestyle?
Think again, or observe around. Some may not waste anything but also play important role in influencing others not to waste. Or v choose to blame the government for not looking after our welfare? Or some even blame the education system for not functioning in teaching on these matters. Some even blame the society is spoilt itself (but society includes u and me rite?). Should v keep pointing fingers on others? Not fingers, it's finger..coz when u point one finger on others, three more fingers are point back at us n one more pointing downwards (is there anything down there? i dunno). Think bout it, it's time for us to UBAH GAYA HIDUP. Change our lifestyle, play our own part and see how we can make a difference.