"7th college....power! 7th college...power! 7th college..power,power,power!. Za'ba power..yah! Za'ba power..yah! Za'ba power..yah,yah,yah!" - Those were the days...when i was the cheers leader for orientation week in UM (also known as Minggu Haluansiswa, MHS). When i first came in to Za'ba, i never expect to end my journey of college (not college in institutions, but residential college) in such a high note. The first responsibility given, unexpectedly was the cheers leader. I have never expected that coming, but nevertheless, i liked it (i meant i like cheers, not being cheers leader). Until today, the atmosphere of cheering in Dewan Tunku Canselor, still fresh in my mind.
A year before my MHS, Za'ba college emerged as champion of cheering competition (year 2004). Michael Ng, who was my mentor and the cheers leader for the year 2004, lead the team to champions. However, during my time, in 2005 we only managed as first runner up. I was disappointed myself, but it was an enjoyable moment for me. I was determined the next year I will be back to help regain the title by becoming Pembantu Mahasiswa (PM) to help our juniors to regain the title. Joseph, Fairus and Sanjivi were the cheers leaders that time. It was a different feeling then, being the one to guide the leaders instead of leading. However, luck wasn't on our side again. For the second time, we were in second place. The year after that, 2006, Za'ba finally lost its touch. There wasn't any placing for us. No one knows exactly where went wrong. No one knows. But the cheers leader that year, managed to bring back the glory, the trophy, this year, when he and his team guided the freshies to emerged as champions!..Bravo! Guess i was the bad charm for Za'ba...a year before i enter, we won...a year later after i finished, we won again. But the years that i was in Za'ba, we didn't win. Amazing, huh?...well, maybe i'm a bad luck for Za'ba.
Cheers competition, is a common thing in UM, and it has become a tradition in UM. No other uni in msia have the tradition that we do. This cheers tradition doesn't just stop at MHS, bt will be carried along all the way until the next year, and the year after...and so on. Even until now, it's in my blood. The rivalry between colleges doesn't just end after MHS, instead it will be carried on for years. But it's a healthy rivalry, bcoz from these rivalry, we get to know each other...just like the rivalry between MU and Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal. It goes on and on and on. In return, it makes the residents of that college becomes closer and have a strong relationship to the college (not all lar of course, some nerds wont ever feel the love to the college, but to the books instead). It builds a strong teamwork, communication skills and leadership as leading the team wasn't easy, and i'm not saying a team of 40 or 50...but 400 to 500. It was a challenge to all the leaders. It was a challenge to the team as well, for 400 to 500 people to be able to follow one's instruction and signal.
The situation is like in the battle scenes in Lord of The Rings, at Helms Deep and at Minas Tirith. The teams are eagerly to attack each other, and to defend themselves. Waiting for the command from the general, one shout, or even one hand signal, the war begins. The crowd in DTC will roar till walls shook, heart beat increased and blood pumped like waterfall. During my year, the best scene i'll never forget, was during the sports event...the horn was blown, and almost 400 of us, who were hiding under a tent, behind one big banner...ran out like soldiers ramming into war, just like the scene at Helms Deep, where Gandalf brought the Rohirrims to the rescue during the first light in the morning. We roared like dragons and ran thru the whole field, carrying banners (these banners are really damn big) as if we are really in war. The best scene for me a year after that, was the last day, when our college was split into two on the first floor, left and right of DTC. It was a difficult position becoz both sides are facing each other, and the leader cant be seen clearly. However, the strategy i planned worked out in the end, amazingly, both sides were very synchronized in their movement, and their cheeers, stunned the whole crowd watching us from below! These were the best moment which i'll never forget.
Looking back at the video now, i looked like sum crazy, hyperactive guy cheering like monkey. But when come to think of it, it was really fun and will never be forgotten in my campus life, in UM. I hope i can still feel the atmosphere just like in a stadium roaring when their team scored last gasp winning goal in soccer...during my convo this 7th of Aug. Well done Za'ba...once a Za'bahan, always a Za'bahan.